Last night was really a lot of fun. Daddy decided He wanted to play, and we did two of my very favorite activities, Fire Play and Wax Play. : D.
We don't often get a chance to play during the week, but we had missed a chance to go to a small party Saturday night, because i was running a fever and Daddy said we couldn't go. So, by last night, we both really wanted to play, and i was asking Daddy some questions about Fire Flogging (something we have never done.)
i absolutely love Fire Play, and was so excited when Daddy put together His own Fire Play set. If you've never experienced Fire Play, it can sound kind of scary, but it is such a rush. If done correctly, it does not hurt, you just feel this warmth rushing over your skin. Daddy has two fire wands, and He uses Wintergreen Alcohol which smells so good. During Fire Play, alcohol is rubbed over part of the body with one wand, (they have tips made with gauze) and the second wand is dipped in the alcohol and lit on fire. That fire is then touched to the alcohol, which burns off almost immediately. If the fire doesn't go out right away the person who is controlling the fire will run their hand over the area, and that will put the fire out. One time i had Fire Play done where the Top used Flash Cotton. It was very intense. Daddy was not the one playing me that time, but He was right there as He always is if someone else is playing me, and He said as soon as the Flash Cotton went off i started to giggle like crazy. It was really cool. Flash Cotton is something magicians use. When lit, it flashes brightly and then goes out. The time i had it used on me, the Top started at my ankle, and ran a piece of the cotton all the way up and over and around my left breast. When He lit it, starting at my ankle, it burned almost all at once. i can't quite describe the way it feels.
After Daddy was finished with the Fire Play, He decided to do Wax Play, but not in a way we had ever done it before. Usually He lights a white taper candle and drips the hot wax onto my body. Last night He melted some of the big, colored religious candles, and after the wax was melted, He poured it into His hands, and smeared it all over my chest in layers. It was hot in places, but it felt really good. When He had several layers on my chest and it had completely hardened, He used His large curved knife to peel the wax off my body. By the time He was done, i was flying. i guess i should have said that last night we did three of my favorite activities, because i also love knife play, lol.
Daddy and i are not what i would call "edge players". There are couples that play much harder, or more intensely than we do, but some of the activities we do, fall under the edge play category. Things like Fire Play and Knife Play. We also do cutting once in a while. Daddy likes this much more than i do, i let Him cut me because it gives Him pleasure. Daddy has tried Breath Play with me at times, but that is something i still struggle with. Each time i tell myself that i am going to relax, but as my air gets cut off i start to struggle. Daddy doesn't push me on this. i did try needle play once. It was OK, but it didn't really do anything for me. Daddy wasn't the one who did it, and i only had two needles put in. We will probably do that again in the future. Daddy also has a Medical Staple Gun. He has put a couple of staples in my arm before. Some people will have 6 or 8 staples placed in two straight lines, and will lace ribbons between them in a criss cross pattern. This looks really pretty. i even know one submissive that has had her pussy lips stapled together.
Another activity i really enjoy is cupping. There are two ways to do cupping. One is Mechanical Cupping, and one is Fire Cupping, that is the one i like, big surprise right, lol. Cupping is an activity where cups are attached to a person's back with suction. In Fire Cupping, this is done, by placing a small piece of leather on the back, placing a piece of cotton soaked in alcohol on top of that, and lighting it. While it is lit, a small cup (like a votive holder) is placed over the whole thing and this causes a suction effect. To get these cups off, the suction has to be broken. You end up with these awesome circular bruises on your back. Some people will pair cupping with sliding, where the cups are slid around on the back before the cups are removed, i have never tried this.
There are a lot of fun activities Daddy and i do together. We don't get to play as often as we would like some times, but when we do we both really enjoy it.
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